Document Type : Scientific research



Trade secrets has an important role in economic growth and development of economic competition. However ,one of the challenges in this sphere is the emergence of economice spionag. Increasing growth of economic espionage causes to emerge a new phenomenon which is called information terrorism. So the mechanism of protection of the trade secretsincivil and criminal law is necessary for economic growth and protection of intellectual creaters.
This study using analytical – descriptive, analayses protection of trade secret in civil and criminal law in the americam and iranian legal systems.
Findings of this study shows that protection of trade secret in iranian legal system, is challenged. The lack of special civil rules and introduction to general principles and sporadic criminalization of trade secret theft whitout attention to penological approaches, are some challenges. On the other hand, according to comparative findings, the a merican legal system by using reasanable civil and criminal rules seeksfurther tosupportholders of trade secrets.


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